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Re-Designed: Voux

Basically what I did here was to get rid of the sidebar and then to widen the post area to the full width and then some, because in my estimation this is a theme that can be best used for portfolio sites where the top menu should be more than adequate for navigation. What is espcially great for a portfolio site is that each post on the homepage has its own slider that takes us to all the images that are mebedded inside the post. Very nice detail, that.

One thing that one has to be ultra careful of when installing this theme is the amount of "junk" widgets that one encounters above the header when first installed. This is not an uncommon problem with custom themes, for some reason Blogger places all of the accumulated previous widgets that you may or may not even have ever used, and throws them into the layout, from where they have to be cleanedup manually. But in the case of "Voux" it seems to be especially bad. And unfortunately, there is nothing that I can do to fix it, it is something that the end user has to do - and redo actually, every time they want to change a theme. Luckily, this is something that only takes a few minutes. However, one does have to be extra careful when deleting things from this one since the slider and the top menu are in there among the junk and you do not want to delete those, for sure. My advice would be to do a backup everytime before you are about to delete something that you are not sure of.

But, once this grunt work is done, "Voux" really is a very nice portfolio theme. What I did, outside of deleting the sidebar and making the layout wider was emphasizing the layout and the sections by adding 1 pixel strokes. Obviously the typography got a pretty good makeover and I replaced the orange typographic details that one could barely see they were so light, with a good solid dark gray.

Important! 3rd party responsive Blogger themes have a lot of quirks that you will have to fix which come about every time that you restore a theme. So, this is not something that I can resolve with my tweak, there are some things that you, the end user, has to take care of before the theme is fully operational. To find out what these are and how to fix them, please make sure you look at the Instructions Page > > > right after you install the theme.

Image Swap on Hover with CSS
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Re-Designed: Voux Re-Designed: Voux Reviewed by Elif Ayiter on January 18, 2022 Rating: 5

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