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Re-Designed: Bloggrid Uong Jowo

This beautifully structured theme is one of very few blogger theme that allows for text only posts as well as image posts. There is a drawback on posts that contain images however, they get put together as a collage and get displayed on the blog feed like that. And needless to say, this does not always give good results. I tried to figure out a way of fixing this problem so that only the first image would get displayed like it normally is, but unfortunately my code tweaking skills did not go that far. This is the theme that I use on one of my own blogs where I need both text only and images. The way I get around it is to make my own collage and use that as a single image. It works for the content of that particular blog but would not work for other types of content

Outside of this my main gripe as usual was the color scheme, so I changed everything to grey. Another major change happened with the header typography where for some reason the logo font on continue pages and posts was different to the main page font. And the area for the logo was too narrow, so that had to be opened up as well. Again, I did the usual font fixes, made a lot of things uppercase. But outside of these what Unog Juowo, the creator of the theme has is pretty much fine for me as well. Rollover the screenshot below to see what changed.

Important! 3rd party responsive Blogger themes have a lot of quirks that you will have to fix which come about every time that you restore a theme. So, this is not something that I can resolve with my tweak, there are some things that you the end user has to take of before the theme is fully operational. To find out what these are and how to fix them, please make sure you look at the Instructions Page > > > right after you install the theme.

Image Swap on Hover with CSS
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Re-Designed: Bloggrid Uong Jowo Re-Designed: Bloggrid Uong Jowo Reviewed by Elif Ayiter on March 22, 2022 Rating: 5

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