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Re-Designed: Legenda

I must admit that I am rather proud of this tweak. The before and after screenshots below will hopefully show you why. This is a versatile magazine theme with lots of widgets that was structurally disjointed. There were the nice black title boxes but they weren't doing enough to pull the whole thing together. I added thick black horizontal strokes that, wherever I could get them to do so, I made go all the way across the layout. And then another failsafe trick is to extend the width of the entire blog, which I did here as well. Another issue was that the thumbnails on the homepage were too far apart both vertically and horizontally. When the spaces between them became decreased that helped as well.

Legenda Re-Designed

Legenda Original
In terms of fonts there were a lot of them. The predominant font was Lato, and I have kept that in a few places, especially the header. However, in many places Lato wasn't working at all, especially when it was used in lowercase. I changed all the lowercase texts to Roboto, and changed Lato for Montserrat in most places (again, only used in uppercase - both Lato and Montserrat have x-height problems in their lowercase glyphs, as well as problems in their baselines because they are extended fonts).

Once the issues were resolved what emerged is great little magazine theme which I may in fact end up cycling through on my own blog.

Important! 3rd party responsive Blogger themes have a lot of quirks that you will have to fix which come about every time that you restore a theme. So, this is not something that I can resolve with my tweak, there are some things that you, the end user, has to take care of before the theme is fully operational. To find out what these are and how to fix them, please make sure you look at the Instructions Page > > > right after you install the theme.

Re-Designed: Legenda Re-Designed: Legenda Reviewed by Elif Ayiter on July 18, 2022 Rating: 5

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