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Re-Designed: Nuri

3 years ago
Although the original template looked a bit confusing, as I worked on "Nuri", I liked it so much that I ended up making 2 versions of it. One version has an image background, and in the download folder there are a few more backgrounds to choose from. If you want to change the image that is currently on the theme with one of these, or ind…
Re-Designed: Nuri Re-Designed: Nuri Reviewed by Elif Ayiter on July 23, 2022 Rating: 5

Re-Designed: Sugar

3 years ago
This is a re-design where where very little was tweaked, to the extent where I am rather hesitant to even title this a "re-design": The original creator had used a very nice serif font called Lustria, and initially I was going to keep this. However, when I tried using it for the logo typography in a large point size it lost some of its…
Re-Designed: Sugar Re-Designed: Sugar Reviewed by Elif Ayiter on July 23, 2022 Rating: 5

Re-Designed: Legenda

3 years ago
I must admit that I am rather proud of this tweak. The before and after screenshots below will hopefully show you why. This is a versatile magazine theme with lots of widgets that was structurally disjointed. There were the nice black title boxes but they weren't doing enough to pull the whole thing together. I added thick black horizontal str…
Re-Designed: Legenda Re-Designed: Legenda Reviewed by Elif Ayiter on July 18, 2022 Rating: 5

Re-Designed: Flashnews

3 years ago
A magazine theme that comes with lots and lots of different widgets that you can fill with different labels. Very very nice, actually. The major issue was the lack of structure which I tried to fix by adding long horizontal strokes that join the contents of the main area to the sidebar. And another thing that helps bring things together is the wi…
Re-Designed: Flashnews Re-Designed: Flashnews Reviewed by Elif Ayiter on July 17, 2022 Rating: 5

Re-Designed: SportsMag

3 years ago
SportsMag, once I added structural support elements to it is one of the nicest magazine templates I have seen. What I did with this one was add quite a few strokes - solid 1 pixels for the main separators and dotted 1 pixels as title dividers on the widgets. I extended these strokes all the way to the edges of the coulmns in order to give a much n…
Re-Designed: SportsMag Re-Designed: SportsMag Reviewed by Elif Ayiter on July 15, 2022 Rating: 5

Re-Designed: Best Clean

3 years ago
What the original template lacked above all else, in my estimation, was structure. This I fixed by adding 1 pixel strokes to the bottoms of the posts and all the widgets. And then the other big change was in the fonts, of which I thought there were too many. So, I changed Playfair Display (the font used in the post titles) to Josefin Sans which I…
Re-Designed: Best Clean Re-Designed: Best Clean Reviewed by Elif Ayiter on July 15, 2022 Rating: 5
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